At IPMI 2024, come experience the future of parking with Flash. Join us in our booth and in sessions so you can…
- Get your hands on Waze + Flash
- Learn how big navigation players tackle parking
- See revenue assurance with Offline Mode in action
- Access IPMI’s Smart Transportation Playbook
…and much more!
⚡ Experience Waze + Flash
Get your hands on Flash’s game-changing integration with Waze. Wazers can find, book, pay and navigate to parking in the app for stress-free trip planning and driving from departure to parking
📍How the big navigation players are bringing parking to the forefront of trip planning
When customers search for parking in their favorite map and trip planning apps before heading to their destinations, will they find your parking assets?
Join Dan Roarty, Flash’s Chief Digital Officer, on day 2 of IPMI at 4P ET to hear how owners and operators can capitalize on this massive and growing opportunity.
Session in brief: The big navigation platforms – Google, Waze & Apple Maps-have spent countless engineering hours building solutions to help you get from A to B. Until now, they’ve ignored the most painful part of the trip – finding a parking space at their destination. Drivers today point their car to their destination and, only once they arrive, do they begin to circle in search of a lot. This is now changing. Through partnerships with Flash, these platforms are now facilitating easier parking discovery, reservation & payment in advance, making trips faster and more convenient for over 200 million monthly drivers combined. Capitalizing on this massive opportunity will require owners and operators to embrace new digital capabilities and manage their online presence like never before. Join us to gain insights into effective strategies, pitfalls to avoid, and how to position your organization for success in this evolving landscape.
✅ Revenue assurance with the cloud + offline mode
Flash pioneered the first era of bringing PARCS to the cloud. Now, we’re pushing the standards even higher, building resilience that guarantees both an excellent customer experience and secures revenue capture, regardless of internet instability.
Offline Mode delivers continuous access control and ensures revenue is captured, collected, and reported regardless of any unforeseen internet, cloud, or third-party disruptions. Reliability and resilience delivered over-the-air is another example of Flash’s cloud-born advantage.
See a demo and more at IPMI booth #1341.
🗓 The state of smart transportation
In 2022, IPMI stood up the Smart Transportation Task Force with a charge to seek answers that would further smart transportation beyond cities.
Join Casey Jones, Flash’s Senior Director of Customer Success, and other members of IPMI’s Smart Transportation Task Force as they unveil the IPMI Smart Transportation Playbook.
Session in brief: Eight years have passed since the U.S. Department of Transportation infused multiple cities with over $100M for advanced technology projects as part of the Smart City Challenge. In this session, we will explore activities associated with smart transportation, hear about case studies, and unveil the IPMI Smart Transportation Playbook.